Islamic Etiquette
Islamic Etiquette
Islam is a complete way of life. Etiquette is given a lot of importance in Islam. One of the beauties of Islam is etiquette. Etiquette is very important in human life. The necessity of which is incomparable in the formation of society or in the formation of individuals. Etiquette is of immense importance to build an ideal society and to maintain mutual unity and solidarity. Etiquette is one of the ways to win people's hearts. And through this, Islam has won all over the world. These manners or manners can simply be called politeness. A well-mannered person does not involve himself in any wrongdoing, enmity with anyone or try to disrupt anyone's normal life.
Etiquette is polite, elegant and tasteful behaviour. Etiquette makes people restrained and modest. Regarding the importance of manners, Rasool (pbuh) said, "Surely good character, good manners and modest spending or moderation are twenty-fifths of prophethood." [Abu Dawud, Ha-4776]
Instructions for speaking politely:
In Islam it is commanded to speak politely to one another. Humility is the source of all goodness. The beauty and character of everything lies in its softness and gentleness. On the other hand, unkind and harsh behavior is condemned and distorted in society. The beauty and character of everything lies in its softness and gentleness. So, Allah Rabbul Alamin says about the nature of man in conversation - "You speak to him humbly." (Surat-Tawaha: verse 44)
The Prophet (PBUH) is the epitome of manners:
The Prophet (PBUH) was the epitome of etiquette. Etiquette is given importance in every religion. He was very loved by all, young and old, for his advanced use. Moderation, modesty, gentleness are some of the characteristics of his character. He never misbehaved with anyone, never behaved arrogantly. That is why he is so revered by people throughout the ages.
Being smiling:
Islam has ordered to always smile. The special feature of the Prophet's (PBUH) character was that he was always smiling. If he was dissatisfied with someone's words or actions, the sign of it would show on his face. On the authority of Hazrat Jarir (RA), he said, “From the time I accepted Islam, the Messenger (PBUH) did not forbid me to approach him under any circumstances. He used to smile whenever he saw me.” (Bukhari and Muslim)
Salam Muslim's individual etiquette:
Salam is the distinctive etiquette of Muslims. The first etiquette of a Muslim is to greet another Muslim brother when he meets him. In Islam it is Sunnah to give salam and it is wajib to respond to salam. Salam is an incomparable social order. Salam is not just a greeting by name, but Salam is a prayer of peace. The one who greets and the one who responds to the greeting both pray for the peace and mercy of Allah for each other. A Muslim needs another Muslim to function in society. In Islam, it is ordered to greet everyone, known and unknown. Allah himself commanded the believers, when you enter your house, greet your people. Because it is a blessed and holy prayer given by Allah for meeting. (Surah Noor: 61).
Injunction not to abuse and reprimand:
Islam has ordered not to abuse and rebuke each other. Profanity cannot be a characteristic of a believer. These are out of Islamic etiquette. The Prophet (PBUH) said - "A full-fledged believer cannot be scornful and cursing." Nor can obscenities be blasphemers.” (Tirmidhi and Bayhaqi)
Respecting the elders and loving the younger:
Islam has commanded to respect the elders and love the younger ones. Loving the younger and respecting the older is part of the Prophet's Sunnah. Besides this etiquette plays a very important role in people's social life. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, 'Whoever does not love our younger ones and respect our older ones, he is not of our group.' (Jame at-Tirmidhi: 2044)
Tips for speaking well:
Islam has ordered to speak beautifully. No ideal has been established in the world by using bad words and bad language. One can easily win people's hearts with good words. So, speak clearly and beautifully.
Instructions to walk humbly:
Islam has ordered to walk humbly. Do not walk proudly, do not walk like a haughty person. Also don't go too slow. Because it is in the Qur'an. Allah said, adopt moderation in your behavior. (Surah Lokman: 19). It is mentioned in the hadith that the path of the Prophet (peace be upon him) was narrowed for him while walking.
Instructions to behave well with parents:
Islam commands to behave well with parents. Always behaving well with parents, refraining from behavior that causes them even the slightest pain and obeying their orders and prohibitions is Islamic etiquette. Allah says, 'And be kind to your parents. Bow before them with love, humbly.' (Surah Bani Israel: 23-24).
Taking permission before entering someone's house:
Islam commands permission before entering someone's house. Certain rules for taking permission are also given in the Qur'an. Almighty Allah says 'O believers! It is better for you that you do not enter any house other than your own without taking the permission of the householders and saluting them so that you may take advice. If you find no one in the house, do not enter it until you are given permission. If you are told to go back then it is better for you to go back and Allah is well aware of what you do.' (Surah An-Nur 27-28)
Etiquette in the light of the Quran:
Various aspects of etiquette are described in the Quran. By teaching manners, Almighty Allah says, 'You adopt the principle of forgiveness. Enjoin the people to do good and avoid the fools' (A'raf 7/199).
Allah also says, 'Those who spend wealth and poverty in all circumstances (in the way of Allah), who restrain anger and forgive people. Indeed, Allah loves the righteous' (Ale Imran 3/134).
Etiquette in the light of Hadith:
Islam came to teach people the best manners. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "I have been sent to give perfection to good character".
When Aisha (RA) was asked about the character of the Prophet (PBUH), she replied, "His character is the Qur'an."
Abdullah bin Umar (RA) narrated that the Prophet (PBUH) was completely free from physical and verbal profanity.
Anas bin Malek (R.A.) said, "The Prophet (S.A.W.) did not abuse anyone, did not use obscene language and did not curse anyone. If he had to scold someone, he would just say what happened to him. May his forehead be covered with dust.
Anas bin Malek (RA) said, 'I was engaged in the service of the Prophet (PBUH) for ten years. He never uttered the word 'uh' about me. And he never said why you did it or why you didn't do it.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "The best among you are those whose character is good."
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "The most beloved of you to me is the person whose character is good."
The Prophet (PBUH) said, "The person whose character and behavior is best among you is the most beloved to me and will be very close to me on the Day of Resurrection."
In this way, the beauty of every etiquette of Islam cannot be finished. Every etiquette given by Allah and instructed by the Prophet (PBUH) makes human life beautiful and meaningful.
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