Importance of moral education in Islam
Importance of moral education in Islam
Morality is the basic human quality of a person and the best asset of life, which if acquired makes his life beautiful and better. The Prophet (PBUH) called the moral person the best of people. The Prophet (PBUH) said, "Surely the best among you is the person whose character is good." (Bukhari and Muslim) One of the purposes of Islam is to teach people morality. Unbridled and characterless people are worse than quadrupeds.
Identity of a moral person:
A person is said to have moral qualities when his daily behavior, behavior, manners, dealings, everything is admirable and acceptable. Issues directly related to moral education are good governance, justice, human rights, anti-corruption, economic development, growth, maintaining peace and order, etc. Morality is the basic human quality of a person and the best asset of life, which if acquired makes his life beautiful and better.
Commentary of the Qur'an about moral education:
Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) prayed: 'O our Lord! You send among them a Messenger who will present Your revelations, teach the Book and wisdom and purify them. Surely You are Mighty, Loving and Wise.' (Surah Baqarah, verse: 129).
Almighty Allah says, 'Surely those who are ungrateful, whether they are book-bearers or partakers, will burn forever in the fire of hell; They are the worst of creation. And those who believe and do righteous deeds, they are the best of creation.' (Surah Bayyna, verses: 6-7).
Commentary on Hadith Sharif on Moral Education:
Rasulullah (SAW) said in Hadith Sharif, 'Know that there is a piece of meat (Mudgah) in the body, when it is fixed, the whole body is fixed. And when it goes bad, the whole body goes bad. Know, that piece of meat is kalab.' (Bukhari Sharif, Hadith: 50).
Importance of morality in Islam:
Morality is of immense importance in the eyes of Islam. Islam has given importance to make human morals and character beautiful and elegant. Islam and morality are inextricably linked and inseparable. Morality cannot be hidden from Islam. From the first Prophet Hazrat Adam (A.S.) all the Prophets have preached the teachings of morality. They all had good character. About the Holy Prophet (PBUH), Allah says, "You are certainly the possessor of a great character." (Surah Kalam: 4).
All Prophets taught moral character to their respective nations:
All the prophets and messengers who have come to the world have corrected the character of their respective nations and taught them moral character. And the Holy Prophet (PBUH) came to perfect the moral character. He said, 'I have been sent to perfect the best qualities of character. (Ibn Majah)
Ethics and morality are important in Islam:
Ethics and morality are important in Islam. Special awards have been announced for ethical people. By attaining moral and character excellence, man can attain special status in the sight of Almighty Allah. Allah Almighty loves them so much that He gives them the same status as those who fast during the day and stay awake at night. Ayesha (R.A.) said, I heard Rasulullah (S.A.W.) saying, Surely a believer can attain the same status as one who fasts (by day) and performs Tahajjud (by night) through his good character. (Abu Dawud: 4798).
A moral person is dear to Allah:
The more beautiful his character is, the more beloved he is to Allah. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "The people dearest to Allah are those who have good character." (Jamius Sagir: 218). The eminent Tabi Masrook (R.A.) said, Once we were sitting near Abdullah Ibn Amr (R.A.). He was narrating hadith to us. He said, Rasool (PBUH) was not indecent by nature and he did not intentionally speak indecent words. He used to say, whoever among you has the best character is the best among you. (Bokhari: 6035)
Good character fulfills Iman:
Justice and good character complete Iman. It is not possible to attain the beauty of Iman without attaining the beauty of character, and just as it is not possible to be guided by oneself, it is also not possible to invite others to guidance. For this reason, Almighty Allah sent His Messenger to the world with the best character. In the Holy Qur'an, Almighty Allah says, "Surely you are possessed of a great character." (Surah Kalam: 4).
Moral character is the standard and dignity of man:
According to Islam, the dignity and standard of human beings is moral character. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, "The best among you is the person whose character is good." (Bokhari and Muslim).
Award announced for person of moral character:
Prizes are announced for the best character. A man who behaves well with his wife will be in paradise. Allah said, 'Live with your wives honestly.' (Surah Nisa: 19). The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, 'The whole world is wealth. And the best wealth of the world is a chaste woman.' (Meshkat according to Bukhari and Muslim sources: 3083). Narrated by Hazrat Abu Huraira (R.A.), the Prophet (S.A.W.) said, "The ideal man and the person of full faith is the one whose character is beautiful and he is good to his wife." (Riyajus Salehin: 278). The Holy Prophet (PBUH) used to say to Allah about good character, 'O Allah, I am asking You for guidance, fear of Allah, righteousness and freedom from want.' (Muslim: 4898)
Morality and good character in the Holy Qur'an:
Morality and good character in the Holy Qur'an, 'O Prophet! You tell believing men to lower their gaze and guard their private parts. This is the holy way for them. Surely Allah knows best about their deeds.' (Surah Noor: 30). The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "The adultery of the eyes is an unjust look." (Muslim: 6925). The main character of an ideal man is the fear of Allah in his heart. The declaration of the Qur'anul Karim, 'O believers! Fear Allah as you should fear Him. And do not die without being true Muslims.' (Surah Ale Imran: 102)
A person of moral character will be successful on the Day of Judgment:
Worldly wealth will not be useful on the Day of Judgment, but good moral character will be useful. Worldly wealth will not be useful on the Day of Judgment, but good moral character will be useful. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, "The heaviest thing in the scales of a believer will be good moral character." (Tirmidhi) Thus, a person asked the Prophet (PBUH), which is the most valuable gift that Allah has given to people. ? The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, 'The most valuable gift is a beautiful character.
Last word:
So it is our duty to try our best to build good character. Islam has defined good and holy character as the only condition for human peace and prosperity and liberation in the hereafter. Rasulullah (s.a.w.) was asked, for which quality will most people go to Paradise in the Hereafter? He said, Husnul Khuluk or good character.
Importance of moral education in Islam
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