Halal and Haram in Islam, Qur'an and Hadith about Halal and Haram
Halal and Haram in Islam
Two important issues in the Islamic Sharia are halal and haram. Allah has made things halal for His servants, which is not permissible to abandon, and forbids some things. These things are clearly stated in all the heavenly books of the world. Halal in life - Worship is practiced in accordance with the law of haram. Great Allah says, "O human beings! Eat whatever is lawful and good in the earth." [Al-Baqarah 168]The identity of halal-haram
The halal word has a constitutional meaning - legal, lawful. Terminology: Everything that has been declared valid on the basis of the Qur'an and the Sunnah is Halal in Islamic Shariah terminology.Examples: Prayer, Fasting, Hajj, Zakat, Allah-directed business, screen, etc. Halal promotes the well-being of humanity and protects it from evil and harm. It is for the servant to obey the law of halal, welfare.
The benefits of halal provision:
The benefits of reflecting halal provisions in life are many. The following are discussed: Earnings of wealth by the Halal course is the best of Allah By grace Taking a Halal path in life makes it easier for a Muslim to get to Paradise. Halal earning is a prerequisite for worship, accepting the law of Halal, worshiping the Great Allah, obtaining the mercy of the Great God, gaining peace of mind and receiving all human qualities.Haram:
The word 'haram' has a denominational meaning forbidden, illegal. Terminology: What is declared invalid on the basis of the Qur'an and the Sunnah, in the definition of Islamic Shariah is Haram. For example, the practice of sin, adultery, eating of interest, eating something profane is haram in Islam. The person who practices haram, his soul are lost and conscience disappears. In a word, it makes him sinful.The evil of haram:
It is not possible to make life completely lawful unless it is known about haram. Haram is harmful to us. That which has a detrimental effect on our faith process, which disrupts our normal way of life, must be dismissed. Forbidden paths and objects have many detrimental effects on human life. Not only heterosexual but also detrimental to secular life.Reason: - The worship of haram things does not lead to worship. The haram thing is forbidden by Allah, so the Prophet (peace be upon him) has said that the haram way is Residents will burn in the fire of hell. Because of the unlawful way There is chaos in society. The haram path is the cause of social dishonor and so on.
Purpose of halal and haram provision:
Every word of Islam plays a vital role in the welfare and beautiful life of the servant. The basic structure of Islam is the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet. It is the duty and responsibility of every Muslim to travel in the direction of the Great Allah and the Prophet. The opposite is not good for anyone.1. Allah tests His servants with halal and haram.
2. Who will be the inhabitants of Paradise and who will be the inhabitants of Hell is halal and haram. Disobedience could not be separated if it was not compelled to do so.
3. The purpose of halal and haram provision is to promote the welfare of the world and protect it from evil and harm. On the other hand, the person who practices haram things has lost his soul, loss of body and conscience.
4. Those who believe that meeting the haram hardship of Allah is met with virtue and that obeying any of Allah's commands is the way to his satisfaction. On the other hand, those who are hypocritical and hypocritical consider suffering to be pain, suffering and deprivation.
Qur'an and Hadith about halal and haram
Allah says, "O you who believe, consider the sacred things that Allah has made lawful for you to be" forbidden. "And do not transgress. Surely Allah does not like those who are transgressors. Eat it, and fear Allah with it, To whom you claim to be believers. [Surah Al-Ma'ida: 87-88]Great Allah says, "Forbidden for you, dead animals, blood, pigs, slaughtered animals other than Allah, slaughtered animals, slaughtered by stones, dead animals falling from the top, dead animals by the horns, violent. Animal-eating animals, of course (the lawful animals in the fields mentioned above), which you are capable of slaughtering will not be haraam. Syndrome), and the fate of those animals which are slaughtered sacred bedimule the criteria that the bank distributed the meat to you. " [Maidah 3]
Allah says, "He makes the holy things lawful for them and the unholy things forbidden." [Surah A'raaf 157]
The Messenger of Allah (sm) said, "What Allah has made lawful in His Book is lawful, what He has forbidden is forbidden, and what He has remained silent on is forgiveness."
Prayer in the court of Allah that he may give his tawafik to obey its laws after the recognition of Halal and Haram of his servants.
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Halal and Haram in Islam |
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