Hajj fact, What is Hajj and why is it important
Hajj fact, What is Hajj and why is it important
What is Hajj and why is it important
Hajj is the pillar of Islam
Hajj is one of the pillars of Islam. This is what the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said. "Islam Established on five pillars: It is a witness that there is no god except Allah and Muhammad (pbuh) is the messenger of Allah, establishing prayer, paying zakah, performing Hajj and fasting of Ramadan. (Bukhari and Muslim)Hajj is the best worship
Narrated Abu Hurairah (R) that the Prophet (peace be upon him) was asked, "Which is the best thing?" He said, "Believe in Allah and His Messenger." It was asked, what then? He said, "Jihad in the way of Allah" It was asked, what then? He said: Hajj-i-Mabur (Maqbool Hajj).The Prophet (peace be upon him) said about Hajj -
It was narrated from Abu Huraira (R). The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, "The pilgrims and the people of Umraah are delegates of Allah. When they pray to him, he accepts their prayers and pardons them if he asks for forgiveness. (Ibnu Majah)Allah has said about Hajj -
"Then when you finish your pilgrimage, then remember God, as you remember your fathers, even more, and there is also among the people who say," O our Lord, give us the world. "In fact, in the Hereafter, There are no parts for. (Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayat-200)Category of Hajj
Hajj is divided into two parts1 Hajj - It is to be performed on a certain date and with all other pilgrims. It is held in the month of Zulhijja (the last month of the Hijri calendar)
2. Umrah (short hajj), it can be done by any person at any time, according to their will.
Hajj fact
Hajj is one of the pillars of Islam's five pillars. Hajj is a lot of importance in Islam. It is discussed below.The origin of the Hajj is contained in all the Muslim nations. Because all Muslim people wish such a Tirtha pilgrimage. Hajj eliminated social discrimination. Regardless of the different types of race, caste and rank, forgetting all kinds of differences, all of them pray for the salvation of equality and pray to God for their sins. Hajj teaches the sacrifice and hard work in the people.
Hajj on whom Farzah
1 Muslim: Hajj obligatory on the Muslim people. Hajj is not obligatory on non-Muslim. If non-Muslim earns Hajj, he will not be able to accept Hajj from Allah.2 After the management of the family, the financial compatibility of going to Hajj: The person who has the wealth that he is capable of carrying on the path of Hajj and after his absence, the person who is able to keep the expenses of meeting his family needs Hajj.
3 Adult-: Hajj is not compulsory on the underprivileged. Hajj obligatory on the adult person
4 Being free: So Hajj is not obligatory on slaves. If he earns Hajj, he will be rewarded as "Nafl".
6 Moorings with women
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